domingo, 17 de abril de 2011


Se me quebró la sonrisa en el aire, desvaneciéndose en un hueco susurro. 
Y todo se tornó fría piedra exenta de sangre y buenos pensamientos.

A mi es que perdóneme por la intromisión a su cerebro, pero todo me suele dar miedo.


Entra la Reina
Leartes.-¿Qué sucede, amada reina?
Reina.-Una desgracia va siempre pisando los talones de otra;
tan cerca se suceden. Tu hermana se ha ahogado, Leartes.
Leartes.-¡Ahogada! ¡Oh! ¿Dónde?
Reina.-Inclinado a orillas de un arroyo, elévase un sauce,
que refleja su plateado follaje en las ondas cristalinas. Allí
se dirigía, adornada con caprichosas guirnaldas de ranúnculos,
ortigas, velloritas y esas largas flores purpúreas, a las cuales
nuestros licenciosos pastores dan un nombre grosero, pero
que nuestras castas doncellas llaman dedos de difunto. Allí
trepaba por el pendiente ramaje para colgar su corona
silvestre, cuando una pérfida rama se desgajó, y, junto a
sus agrestes trofeos, vino a caer en el gimiente arroyo. A su
arlededor se extendieron sus ropas, y, como una náyade,
la sostuvieron a flote durante un breve rato. Mientras,
cantaba estrofas de antiguas tonadas, como inconsciente
de su propia desgracia, o como una criatura dotada por
la naturaleza para vivir en el propio elemento. Mas no
podía esto prolongarse mucho y los vestidos cargados
con el peso de su bebida, arrastraron pronto a la infeliz
a una muerte cenagosa, en medio de sus dulces cantos.

Opheliac (Emilie Autumn)

I'm your Opheliac
I've been so disillusioned
I know you'd take me back
But still I feign confusion
I couldn't be your friend
My world was too unstable
You might have seen the end

But you were never able
To keep me breathing
As the water rises up again
Before I slip away

You know the games I play
And the words I say
When I want my own way
You know the lies I tell
When you've gone through hell
And I say I can't stay
You know how hard it can be
To keep believing in me
When everything and everyone
Becomes my enemy and when
There's nothing more you can do
I'm gonna blame it on you
It's not the way I want to be
I only hope that in the end you will see
It's the Opheliac in me

I'm your Opheliac
My stockings prove my virtues
I'm open to attack
But I don't want to hurt you
Whether I swim or sink
That's no concern of yours now
How could you possibly think
You had the power to know how
To keep me breathing
As the water rises up again
Before I slip away

You know the games I play
And the words I say
When I want my own way
You know the lies I tell
When you've gone through hell
And I say I can't stay
You know how hard it can be
To keep believing in me
When everything and everyone
Becomes my enemy and when
There's nothing more you can do
I'm gonna blame it on you
It's not the way I want to be
I only hope that in the end you will see
It's the Opheliac in me

Studies show:
Intelligent girls are more depressed
Because they know
What the world is really like
Don't think for a beat it makes it better
When you sit her down and tell her
Everything gonna be all right
She knows in society she either is
A devil or an angel with no in between
She speaks in the third person
So she can forget that she's me

Doubt thou the stars are fire
Doubt thou the sun doth move
Doubt truth to be a liar
But never doubt
Doubt thou the stars are fire
Doubt thou the sun doth move
Doubt truth to be a liar
But never doubt I love

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